The story is told of Pres. Calvin Coolidge, a man known to be one of few words. It seems he attended church one Sunday without his wife in attendance. On returning home, she asked, "What was the pastor preaching about today?" He replied, "Sin." "Well what did he have to say?" she asked. "He was against it," Calvin replied.
As a pastor, I must preach regarding sin often. I include here some good words from A.W. Pink.
Inasmuch, then, as Christ’s salvation is a salvation from sin—from the love of it, from its dominion, from its guilt and penalty—then it necessarily follows that the first great task and the chief work of the evangelist is to preach upon SIN: to define what sin (as distinct from crime) really is, to show wherein its infinite enormity consists; to trace out its manifold workings in the heart; to indicate that nothing less than eternal punishment is its desert. Ah, and preaching upon sin —not merely uttering a few platitudes concerning it, but devoting sermon after sermon to explaining what sin is in the sight of God— will not make him popular nor draw the crowds, will it? No, it will not, and knowing this, those who love the praise of men more than the approbation of God, and who value their salary above immortal souls, trim their sails accordingly. "But such preaching will drive people away!" We answer, far better drive the people away by faithful preaching than drive the Holy Spirit away by unfaithfully pandering to the flesh.